Tuesday 3 May 2011

Horrible Employers i met in Singapore

Employers in Singapore nowadays getting more and more stingy and horrible.
Only hiring N & O levels graduates.
Last Saturday i went for an interview in a dental clinic,
the posting on jobstreet i saw was hiring clinic admin assistant and they state graduates in any field and no experience require.
So i send my resume and put my qualification as diploma.
When went there they told me it's a nurse aka dental assistant.
Alright than I was very willing to try and they go on that interview for more than 30 mins like they really want to employ me,
Guess what the female doctor lie to me my expected salary is still in the range as i put 1.4k on the piece of paper.
Than she irritates me more than x6 times asking whether i am sick / have any disease.
It's like she's cursing me or what.
I mean practically you just need to ask once when people says no that means no.
Why do you have to force me to say i have whatever terminal illness or disease to qualified for that poisition?
That doesn;t make any sense at all.
Than she added she normally hires N level girls at 1-1.2k and they work 6 days per week from 8-6:30pm and have to clean the whole clinc before going home.
I am like I am okay with that.
Than she said do you take mc all the time on your previous job? how many times have you taken.
I am like 3-4 times for that year.
Than she again ask me better own up now what illness you have.
I am like erm i don't have any illness.
WTF that female doctor is like cursing me or so i felt so uncomfortable after that interview when i am on a bus on my way home my mind felt disturbed.
Horrible emplyer still ask to comfirm my home and cell number and lie to me i can start work on tuesday after Monday public holiday.
Never call till now.